Trust Objectives and Aims of School

Trust Objectives

The advancement of the Christian religion and the advancement of education by such means as the Trustees shall consider necessary.

Aims of the School

Everything that is done in the school shall be to the end that children are taught

  • To follow Christ and to live by His Spirit.
  • To develop lively, inquiring minds, the ability to reason and to apply oneself to tasks and physical skills.

The school undertakes through the courses it offers

  • To enable the pupils to acquire knowledge, concepts, skills and wisdom for adult life and employment in the world.
  • To enable the pupils to use language and number effectively.
  • To foster respect, toleration and humility towards all people, recognizing individuals, groups and nations.
  • To encourage understanding of the world in which we live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.


We aim to enable our children to find their place in a meaningful world, where the biblical truth of the Creation, the Fall and Redemption, shapes our understanding of ourselves and our world.


The Christian School (Takeley) Trustees affirm:

  1. The inerrancy of the Holy Scriptures as originally given, their verbal inspiration by God and their supreme authority as the only rule of faith and practice.
  2. The trinity of the Godhead: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, who are the same in substance, equal in power and glory.
  3. The essential, absolute and eternal deity of the Lord Jesus Christ; His conception by the Holy Ghost; His birth of the virgin Mary; His real but sinless humanity; His voluntary humiliation in life as a Man of Sorrows culminating in His substitutionary death as a sacrifice for sin; His resurrection from the dead on the third day in that very body that had lain in the tomb; His ascension into heaven as the only Mediator between God and man and His coming again in power and glory.
  4. The personality and deity of the Holy Spirit through whom the soul is born again to saving repentance and faith and by whom the saints are sanctified through the truth.
  5. Man’s utter ruin through the fall and his salvation solely by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, whose righteousness imputed to him is the only ground of acceptance before God.
  6. The resurrection of the body, the judgement of the world by our Lord Jesus Christ, the everlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting punishment of the lost.
  7. The spiritual unity of all who truly believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and their duty to maintain in themselves and in the Church a standard of life and doctrine that is in conformity with the teaching of God’s Holy Word.
The Christian School (Takeley) is closed and went into Liquidation on 23 July 2024. Should you have any enquiries regarding the Liquidation, please contact the Liquidators: Crowe U.K LLP, 4 Mount Ephraim Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1EE