At the time of writing the sun is shining, the sky is blue and we are enjoying some down time after what has been a very full half term. Our drop-in Open Afternoon on Wednesday 2nd April proved to be very popular with prospective families. Don’t worry if you missed it, our next Open Day is on Saturday 10th May – 10 am until 1pm. Alternatively, please telephone the school office to arrange a tour at a mutually convenient time.
The Eisteddfod Festival was amazing. Congratulations to everybody involved in this festival of culture and to everybody who attended. Well done to Year 9 for winning the Group Performance Section with an incredible shadow drama á la Attraction from Britain’s Got Talent. Caroline from Year 7 was our overall winner and was crowned Bard.
The hard work truly paid off and we all felt very proud. Our Lower Juniors visited the Mayfield Farm Bakery, meeting the baker Nick Anderson and learning all about the history of the bakery, before trying their hand at some bread making. Our Upper Juniors met with Chris Simons at the Broad Oak Farm Sausage Factory. After an enlightening tour of the factory they came away with different sausages to cook and share in school. Yum!
The Senior School were also busy during the term – Year 8 visited a teapot factory and made teapots; Year 10 visited the NEC Birmingham for The Big Bang Young Scientists and Engineering Fair; Year 10 and 11 French and History students enjoyed a long weekend in France and finally, at the end of the term, our Year 10 Spanish students had a week-long visit to Spain.
In the middle of it all, a surprise afternoon tea party was held to celebrate Emlyn and Sue’s 25th wedding anniversary. Sneaky!
The Friends of The Christian School (Takeley) are holding a Quiz Night on Saturday 10th May. Tickets cost £7 per person and include a chicken or fish and chip supper. Bring your own drink and nibbles. If you can get together a team of no more than 8 people and fancy testing your brain cells, please telephone the school office on 01279 871162 for a booking form and further information.