Fees Schedule 2023 – 2024

Fee structure for school year 2023/24

Each family pays a flat fee based on the number of children attending plus a supplement per child shown below.

Families choose to pay either annually (discounted), termly or monthly (with a small admin fee).

                                        Annual   Termly                                    Monthly
1 child £8 093 £2 717 £6 84
2 £14 305 £4 793 £1 203
3 £18 059 £6 045 £1 517
4 + £20 886 £6 987 £1 754

There is a supplement per child according to the year group in which they started at the school. Families choose to pay either annually, termly or monthly.

Year Group Started Annual Supplement Termly Supplement Monthly Supplement
Infant (Y1-Y2) £0 £0 £0
Lower J (Y3-4) £580  £192 £48
Upper J (Y5-6) £947 £318 £79
Y07 £1 765 £588 £143
Y08 £2 345 £782 £190
Y09 £2 938 £979 £246
Y10 £3 531 £1 177 £294

Additional fees

If a child applies to the school with an IEP in place, this will normally incur an additional charge equivalent to 10hrs of planning time and small group work, a supplement of up to £1200 per term. This charge applies to all children with IEPs where extra teaching is needed and this will be assessed and reviewed as part of the IEP review process.

A charge of £38 per letter will be levied for additional reports to practitioners such as Educational Psychologists and other Therapist.

A supplementary charge of £120 / term applies where the school has to manage persistent absenteeism (attendance below 90%).

The final say on fees is the decision of Trustees.


The Christian School (Takeley) is closed and went into Liquidation on 23 July 2024. Should you have any enquiries regarding the Liquidation, please contact the Liquidators: Crowe U.K LLP, 4 Mount Ephraim Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1EE