Our most important news is that we have an Open Day on Saturday 10th May; come on the day (10am to 1pm) or simply call the school office on 01279 871182 and arrange an appointment for a tour if you can’t wait till then.  Our application process can be found here. It’s an exciting time of the year as we get to meet potential new pupils and their families. Everyone makes a difference in our school. We are unique in this area; a Christian School where community counts and children are nurtured so that they are able to do their best and aspire to be world changers.

At the time of writing our junior students are enjoying their new outdoor play space in the sunshine; heart-warming on so many levels. It was built with the funding of one pupil’s sponsored bike ride and the job was completed by parents working together. You can follow the story on our Facebook page. It would be great if you could like us. You can also follow us on Twitter or subscribe to our website for blog updates.

Yes it’s that time of year! Exams loom. But what of the future. We think it is important to prepare our pupils for life and invest time in life skills, work experience and careers education. On Friday 28th February, Kathryn Waters gave an inspiring talk about her career path and how she became involved with the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics. Kathryn successfully managed and delivered a mission critical technology service across three simultaneous projects for London 2012.  In March, Kathryn will be relocating to Baku, Azerbaijan to work on the inaugural European Games in 2015. Year 10 and Year 11 were inspired. On Monday 3rd March, David King, parent and local entrepreneur, guided our students through the process of applying for a job starting with completing an application form. Shortly our students will be completing an application form and taking part in a mock job interview for a fictitious part time job, again, an activity run by a parent. We feel blessed that our students are able to benefit from such experiences and, it’s families working together.

The school celebrated Shrove Tuesday with a non-uniform day. We had our annual lunch time treat of pancakes with a variety of toppings available.  Money and items were brought in for the Bishop’s Stortford Food Bank. We were over-whelmed by the generosity of our families.

Our sense of pride in our students was further enhanced when we celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 6th March.  Everybody made a tremendous effort – well done! Take a look on Facebook if you are interested.

We welcomed Fay Garrett from Stand By Me for an enlightening and informative assembly on the work of this amazing charity working around the world for orphans. Fay told us of her involvement in Nepal. We saw pictures of the children and learned about their lives. What was wonderful for us all was that Fay was able to name each child and fill us in on each one’s story. We are collecting funds for Fay’s work by running a Readathon.

Looking forward to the rest of the month, our Years 1 to 4 students will be visiting Mayfield Bakery to “Meet the Baker” while our Years 5 and 6 students will be visiting Broad Oak Farm Sausage Factory. Year 10 students will be visiting The Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair at the Birmingham NEC; our GCSE Year 10 French Students will be heading to France for a long weekend. The school will come together for our annual swimming gala and last, but not least, preparations for our Eisteddfod Festival are moving on a pace. We like to keep busy!

The Christian School (Takeley) is closed and went into Liquidation on 23 July 2024. Should you have any enquiries regarding the Liquidation, please contact the Liquidators: Crowe U.K LLP, 4 Mount Ephraim Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1EE