Health and Safety, First Aid, Welfare and Fire Safety

For our overarching Health and Safety and Well-being Policy, please download: Health Safety and Well-being Policy

First Aid, Medicines and Accidents

The following policy and procedures includes provision for staff and pupils at, and visitors to, the Christian School: First Aid Medicine Accidents policy

Food Allergy Policy

Mental Health and Bereavement

For information about the ways we work to help pupils struggling with mental health please see this policy. This also details how the school with work with all those affected by any bereavement whether within their family or within school.

Fire Safety

Our priority is to minimise the risk to life and to reduce injury by maintaining the physical fire safety of the School, in ensuring that staff, pupils and visitors do not add to the fire risk and through safe evacuation of our buildings if a fire breaks out.  The fire safety policy, procedures and risk assessments at The Christian School are designed to help our community to respond calmly and effectively in the event that fire breaks out in one of our buildings.

Fire Safety Policy

Alcohol, drugs and smoking policy

The aim of this policy is to provide guidance, support and parameters for a specific procedure for dealing with drug related incidents at The Christian School.  This policy is framed within the commitment that The Christian School makes to promote the spiritual, emotional and physical well being and growth of students.  The Bible is clear that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should treat it respectfully.

The use and abuse of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes is part of the culture we live in.  The school policy is that students will not use these at school.

This policy applies:

  1. On school premises.
  2. At functions, excursions or camps organised by the school.
  3. When representing the school or wearing the school uniform.
  4. In transit to or from school or at school functions.

We recognise the importance of the process of risk assessment to enable us to safeguard our students and promote their welfare.

The purpose of risk assessment is to identify hazards and evaluate any associated risks. This includes such areas as:

  • Safeguarding
  • Hazards
  • Health and Safety
  • Security
  • Fire Safety
  • School Trips

Policy: Risk Assessment Policy